Wednesday 30 April 2014


Like a blind date, networking with complete strangers at a conference can be intimidating. How do you introduce yourself? What is the first thing you should say?

Here’s a machine which removes all awkwardness of initial contact, and as a bonus,gives you and your new acquaintance a hot cup of coffee.

Introducing the Coffee Connector, a cart-size coffee brewing machine, that only workswhen two people request for coffee at the same time. Users step up on its platform and enter details such as their names and what topics interest them, e.g., technology, health care and sustainability.  The machine then buzzes alive (see video below), coffee is dispensed in customized cups and a new contact is made.

The Coffee Connector debuted at The Economist Big Rethink Conference on March 13 in New York City and made more than 200 introductions. It was created by the Singapore Economic Development Board and its agencies TSLA, Tellart and Strawberry Frog.

“‘Let's grab coffee’ often means more than just coffee. It signifies the start to relationships, opportunities and business decisions,” said the economic planning agency. 
“In Asia, Singapore often facilitates connections between companies and successful business ventures with a wealth of resources. Our machine, the Coffee Connector, is this symbolic idea brought to life.”

Adapted by  my varthagam from Singapore Economic Development Board


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